
#money meets friends

On the TE podcast, our podcast specialist Jule talks to the TE team about working at the agency, solutions for zombie apocalypses or dealing with journalists. Here, you'll learn everything you didn't know yet and what you probably never would have asked for.

About the DACH region, relocations and teamwork.

"We are storytellers. We write, produce, post." That's how Thomas explains his job - at least to his kids. In the very first podcast episode, founder Thomas Egger explains why the agency exists in the first place, how TE can use the mix of Germany and Switzerland to achieve its goals - and what does tennis have to do with all this anyway?

TE-Podcast No. 2 The charm of a tapas bar

Sometimes all it takes is a spark of an idea and some hands-on mentality to take teamwork to the next level - and across Europe. But what makes the FINCOM agency network tick? And where is the focus? That's what founder Thomas talks about in the second episode.

TEAM-Podcast featuring Anna Koll

Anna is a PR consultant and has been with TE for four years. Her former dream job as a veterinarian unfortunately didn't work out. Good for us! Instead, she now checks the news of the day in the morning with a cup of coffee and enriches our team with charm. In her team episode, she tells us which colleague she misses.

TEAM-Podcast featuring Alysha Badertscher

Veterinarian or bookseller? She didn't become either. Instead, Alysha discovered her love for languages and services. She joined our team in October 23. The perfect working day for Alysha starts with a coffee and alternates between meetings and text editing. For the office in Zurich, there's only one rule that really works for her: the workday doesn't start until the Emotional Support Cat is also in the office. You can hear whether the podcast might make her famous in the new episode.

TEAM-Podcast featuring Birte Orth-Freese

As CEO, Birte is responsible for "everything", so to speak. This also means that she is often the first one in the office in the morning (quite voluntarily, of course). Concentration is better there and it's simply better to start the day with finished comments. What you certainly didn't know about Birte: She once hosted the Olympics.

TEAM-Podcast featuring Caroline Jansen

In Zurich by the lake in her wonderful home country - Switzerland - Caroline loves to have lunch. Her top tip: Fischer's Fritz! If the working day goes without a sudden hectic rush, it's almost like winning the lottery. Listen in to find out why Caroline would sometimes like to swap places with her dog Milo.

TEAM-Podcast featuring Julia Wernig

No day is like the other. That and the exchange with colleagues makes Julia's working day really varied. However, there is one rule she would like to establish: washed dishes must be polished! In Julia's team episode you can also find out how she found her way into agency life and what fate had to do with it.

TEAM-Podcast featuring Jule Friedrich

As a musical performer, Jule always wanted to be on the big world stages. But now, as a Junior Digital Creative Specialist, she places our customers there with her creativity. Those who have already listened to the other episodes know that a large part of our team would love to swap jobs with Jule. And as part of the marketing team, there's only one name option for her for a TE show: Money meets Friends.

TEAM-Podcast featuring Lena Knierim

As a PR & Marketing Consultant, Lena is responsible for marketing clients, but also TE, both on- and offline. Actually, she never wanted to work in an office and would rather be on stage. In her episode, you can hear which lunch spot she recommends in the Bahnhofsviertel and why she has her own plan for a zombie apocalypse.

TEAM-Podcast featuring Dr. Matthias Wühle

Our Head of Newsroom only needs three things for a successful day: coffee, coffee and coffee. The one in the morning is the most important. In his team episode, he also reveals why he would swap days with Steffi and which great role model he would like to have as a colleague in the team. Have we mentioned coffee yet?

TEAM-Podcast featuring Steffi Wenkel

Because she works a lot from Bonn, there's hardly anything better for Steffi in her working day than spending her lunch break with her colleagues in Frankfurt. She could well imagine chef Jamie Oliver as a new colleague. As the boss of the office, there would only be one rule for her: laugh heartily once a day!

TEAM-Podcast featuring Thomas Egger

Chairman Thomas needs meetings, pitches, phone calls and sushi with the team for the perfect day. But because there is still no supplier in the area, the best thing would be to have a chef, Tim Mälzer for example. Of course we wouldn't say no to that, and we have a few more wishes than just sushi.

TEAM-Podcast featuring Tina Sermanson

She didn't make it as a news anchor, but luckily we have Tina as a senior consultant in our team. If she could choose, she would make sure that her favourite sushi place "Tanuki" opens again (quite a lot of sushi maniacs here...). She'll go there for lunch with Bradly Cooper, our new colleague. We'll come with you!



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St. Leonhard-Strasse 45
CH-9001 St. Gallen



TE Communications AG
Sihlquai 131
CH-8005 Zürich



TE Communications AG
Rue Marterey 1
CH-1005 Lausanne



TE Communications GmbH
Kaiserstraße 53
DE-60329 Frankfurt am Main